Monday, 10 February 2014

Funny, Happy, Loved, Ridiculous, Smile, Joy

Funny: This book. If Harold D. Lehman’s idea of leisure is bacon wrapped hotdogs – I’m all for it.


Happy: That every single one of the nephews and nieces who have a moderate grasp of the English language, can also sing every word of Do A Deer by heart.  Aunt win.


Loved: Despite gifts scoring low on the old love language chart – I feel over the top cherished when people bring me things from the thrift store. Or in paper bags via mutual friends. Or hand delivered to my doorstep.

Thank you, people.


Ridiculous: I thought it was a worthy New Year’s Resolution for the craft room. But. My personal goal of finishing those quilt tops has become a health hazard. Sitting on the couch now has become a struggle to survive suffocation.



Smile: Donuts. Obviously.



“The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup;
you hold my lot.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.”
Psalm 16

P.S. Learning apparently took a hiatus in January. However, we have higher hopes for February!






  1. Ooh, your yo-yo quilt! And the hexagonal one looks intriguing.

  2. With the yo-yos, I only got as far as a bed scarf size! :) And the other is a modern method for Grandmother's Garden.
