Friday, 14 February 2014

Single on Valentine's Day

Is it rude to steal a lover's holiday? I say let's go ahead until they make a special day for singles. Maybe they already have, and I just don't know about it...
For those who didn't get a love letter today, read any or all of the following:
Psalm 107
Psalm 136
Ephesians 1
1 John 4: 7 - 21
Revelation 19: 1 - 10
There. Feel better? There's more than enough love to go around.
Anyway, did you celebrate today? You should. Because we've all got love.


  1. You make me smile, Millie. "Because we've all got love." This is so true. Even for those who don't feel loved, they have a Heavenly Father waiting to wrap them in His arms.

  2. Simply wonderful :) Also, I have discovered that Valentine's Day is so much better when you're babysitting your nephews.

    1. Oh yes. Being with kids is one of the best ways to spend Valentine's Day!

      - Millie
