Monday 6 August 2012

Thanksgiving in August

-preserving, the pop of lids, the steam  and sticky apron

- kitchen sink, and our shabbysweet backyard that I love

-bagels to go under fresh tomato slices

-blue eyes and pool hair

-cotton candy, summer colours

-Mom's raspberry patch and her homemade pie


-daylilies from  the ditch

-splashing away the summer

-each breath and moment we spend with the people we love...not long for this world

Summer is a multitude of wonderful things, but sometimes we need reminding, when life catches us unawares...

Count the blessings. Count the ones you can see, and the ones that just pass through your heart and soul.
Count the hard ones. Count in the face of  grief, and fears, and the things you never thought would happen.
Count God's mercies and faithfulness. Count the times He has brought joy out of sorrow, and hope from  the hardest providences.
Count it all Grace when you experience troubles of all kinds, because we have the precious Priest and Saviour and Shepherd and Lord of all things.
Keep counting and keep going.

God is good.


1 comment:

  1. Nice pictures, and Happy Birthday! Hope your day is full of blessings :)
