Monday 2 September 2013

What Liv Learned in August...

Before I begin, may I just say; “WHERE has this month gone?!”

Ok. What I learned in August.

1.      I learned that a taxi is not as scary as I have thought all my life. They even smell pretty good.

2.      I learned that poutine is not as soggy as I have thought all my life. It even tastes pretty good. (A lot good, actually.)

3.      I learned that being a talker is not a virtue under any circumstances. Oh man – it just isn’t.

4.      I learned that a birthday can be a very lovely thing. And friends and kin folk are even lovelier.

5.      I learned that folk dancing may be a lost art – but it really should come back, because you will never laugh so hard as when there is music going and people are swinging their partners.

6.      I learned that hospitality is hard and funny, but always worth it. And I think it will always be the best way to say, “I like you.”

7.      I learned that in a pinch you can put anything on a pizza and pretend it is gourmet. I do not promise that it will taste good.

8.      I learned that flea markets – oh blissful flea markets – are perhaps the most awkward (and fun) way to spend a Saturday. But if you end up with a broken bookcase and a quilt with a hole in it…well, then you’re doing fine.

9.      I learned that there are a lot of different kinds of pickles. Quite a variety now live in our cupboard.

10.  I learned that sadness and the twenty different emotions we feel a day are not only real, but a gift from God to good purpose. That sorrow is big – but hope is bigger – and can guide us through circumstances to realize that loving God is more important than any other thing we may want.

I didn’t know that I needed to learn this, these last few days of August, until I read two books in quick succession.
 I would particularly recommend the first. (Don’t be turned off by the subtitle. I am not depressed, but the Biblical premise of this book applies to every person with mood swings. ie. Everywomanonearth.)


11.  And last, but not least, I learned that those sleepovers at Grammy’s (remember when we would dance to Beach Boy records in the basement?) clearly had more of an impact than I thought. I recently rediscovered the group and recognized every song! This could be because every song sounds the same, but still…the subconscious is scary.

What is weirder is when it gets mixed up.  When Kokomo came on I had to stop and check who was playing.

I totally thought that was a song off our childhood Geography Songs cassette.

Oh well.

Savour these last days of summer, guys! (We can agree it is still totally summer, right?)



  1. Haha, I can see why you would think Kokomo was a geography song. I love the sound of the beach boys!

  2. Wonderful, as always. It is so true that all The Beach Boys songs sound the same. But ya gotta love em.

  3. @Lauren: I probably would have walked to the mall if left to my own devices. But my friend was getting her car fixed and they call a taxi automatically! I even had to sit in the front. And the man asked if I wanted the window rolled up, or if my hair was well attached. He then pretended to seize a wig off of my head. I survived.
